Paper Rings

Paper Rings

Taylor Swift

更新:2023-07-11 18:25
The moon is high
Like your friends were the night that we first met
就像我与你和你的朋友们 初次相遇那晚一样
Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet
回到家 鬼使神差地在网上偷偷追踪你的消息
Now I've read all of the books beside your bed
The wine is cold
Like the shoulder that I gave you in the street
就像在街上 我给你的冷漠背影
Cat and mouse for a month or two or three
我们见招拆招 猫捉老鼠的游戏玩了几个月
Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe
如今我夜里醒来 静静地端详你的睡颜 感受你的呼吸
Kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night
亲亲我吧 一吻安慰我度过了漫漫长夜
Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be all right
Three times 'cause I waited my whole life
最后这一吻 罚你让我等了一辈子
1 2 1 2 3 4
I like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings
我虽喜闪耀夺目的饰品 但若与你结婚即使只是纸戒也无限浪漫
Uh huh that's right
千真万确 绝不是说笑
Darling you're the one I want and
亲爱的 你就是我此生挚爱
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this
我讨厌任何意外 除非我们从朋友变成恋人
Uh huh that's right
千真万确 绝不是说笑
Darling you're the one I want in
亲爱的 你就是我此生挚爱
Paper rings in picture frames in dirty dreams
纸环戒指 婚纱照片 甜蜜梦境
Oh you're the one I want
In the winter in the icy outdoor pool
隆冬时节 户外泳池寒意刺骨
When you jumped in first I went in too
但随着你跳入的那一刻 我也紧随其后
I'm with you even if it makes me blue
就算冻得全身变色 我也要陪着你
Which takes me back
To the color that we painted your brother's wall
Honey without all the exes fights and flaws
宝贝 如果没有经历和前任们的矛盾与缺憾
We wouldn't be standing here so tall so
Kiss you once 'cause you know I had a long night
给你印上一吻 慰藉我度过了漫漫长夜
Kiss you twice 'cause it's gonna be all right
Three times 'cause you waited your whole life
最后这一吻 奖励你等了我一辈子
1 2 1 2 3 4
I like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings
我虽喜闪耀夺目的饰品 但若与你结婚即使只是纸戒也无限浪漫
Uh huh that's right
千真万确 绝不是说笑
Darling you're the one I want and
亲爱的 你就是我此生挚爱
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this
我讨厌任何意外 除非我们从朋友变成恋人
Uh huh that's right
千真万确 绝不是说笑
Darling you're the one I want in
亲爱的 你就是我此生挚爱
Paper rings in picture frames in dirty dreams
纸环戒指 婚纱照片 甜蜜梦境
Oh you're the one I want
I want to drive away with you
I want your complications too
I want your dreary Mondays
倦怠的周一 由我为你鼓劲加油
Wrap your arms around me baby boy
我的宝贝男孩 紧紧拥抱我吧
I want to drive away with you
I want your complications too
I want your dreary Mondays
倦怠的周一 由我为你鼓劲加油
Wrap your arms around me baby boy
我的宝贝男孩 紧紧拥抱我吧
Uh huh
I like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings
我虽喜闪耀夺目的饰品 但若与你结婚即使只是纸戒也无限浪漫
Uh huh that's right
千真万确 绝不是说笑
You're the one I want
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this
我讨厌任何意外 除非我们从朋友变成恋人
Uh-uh darling you're the one I want
亲爱的 你就是我此生挚爱
I like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings
我虽喜闪耀夺目的饰品 但若与你结婚即使只是纸戒也无限浪漫
Uh huh that's right
千真万确 绝不是说笑
Darling you're the one I want and
亲爱的 你就是我此生挚爱
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this
我讨厌任何意外 除非我们从朋友变成恋人
Uh huh that's right
千真万确 绝不是说笑
Darling you're the one I want in
亲爱的 你就是我此生挚爱
Paper rings in picture frames in all my dreams
纸环戒指 婚纱照片 还有我所有的美好憧憬
You're the one I want in
Paper rings in picture frames in all my dreams
纸环戒指 婚纱照片 还有我所有的美好憧憬
Oh you're the one I want
You're the one I want one I want
你就是我此生挚爱 我唯一的男主角
You're the one I want