Space Bound

Space Bound


更新:2023-07-06 22:27
We touch I feel a rush
我们互相触摸 就像一次冲击
We clutch it isn't much
我们企图控制 但远远不能做到
But it's enough to make me wonder what's in store for us
我只够去憧憬 我们的未来会是什么
It's lust it's torturous
如此肉欲 如此折磨
You must be a sorceress cause you just
你一定是一个女巫 因为你
Did the impossible
确实做到了 得到我的信任
Gained my trust don't play games it'll be dangerous
不要耍我 这很危险
If you phuck me over
Cause if I get burnt I'mma show you what it's like to hurt
如果我被灼伤 我会让你明白被伤害的滋味
Cause I been treated like dirt before ya
And love is evil
Spell it backwards I'll show ya
倒着看就会发现 我将跟你明说
Nobody knows me I'm cold
Walk down this road all alone
It's no ones fault but my own
It's the path I've chosen to go
Frozen as snow I show no emotion whatsoever so
冷酷似冰 面无表情 有何不可
Don't ask me why I have no love for these ********ho's
Bloodsuckin succubusses what the **** is up with this
I've tried in this department but I ain't had no luck with this
我曾试图融入 但却无福消受
It sucks but it's exactly what I thought it would be
这很糟糕 但也许能如我所料
Like tryin to start over
I gotta hole in my heart but some kind of emotional rollercoaster
我心中有痛 种种感情 在脑中 积蓄翻滚
Something I won't go on so you toy with my emotion so it's over
但不会汹涌 直到你 将我玩弄到 感情决堤
It's like an explosion everytime I hold ya wasn't jokin' when I told ya
爱会爆发 每当我抱紧你 真的 我要告诉你
You take my breath away
You're a supernova.. And I'm a
你是一颗璀璨的星 我仅是
I'm a space bound rocketship and your heart's the moon.
我是深陷苍穹的火箭 而你的心是我围绕着飞的月亮
And I'm aiming right at you.
我要飞向的 就是你
Right at you
250,000 miles on a clear night in June.
在六月的静澈的夜晚 在那样的高空
And I'm aiming right at you.
我要飞向的 就是你
Right at you
Right at you
I do whatever it takes
When I'm with you I get the shakes
与你同处 我会紧张得发抖
My body aches when I ain't
离开你后 我无所适从
With you I have zero strength
和你相处 我却如此力不从心
Theres no limit on how far I would go
没人告诉我 爱你的限度
No boundries no lengths
该多深 该多久
Why do we say that until we get that person that we thinks
为何不早说这些 却等到 去寻找那些 我们自认为
Gonna be that one and then once we get em it's never the same
合适的人 一旦拥有 却又感到不合心意
You want them when they don't want you
你想要的人 未必也想要你
Soon as they do feelings change
很快感觉变了 他们走了
It's not a contest and I ain't on no conquest for no mate
这不是比赛 我不找谁陪 也没抱什么征服心态
I wasn't lookin' when I stumbled onto you mustve been fate
意外地和你相遇 这定是命运安排
But so much is at stake what the **** does it take
而今感情一击而败 这是我付出的爱
Let's cut to the chase
'fore the door shuts in your face
Promise me if I cave in and break and leave myself open
祈祷我能够卡住然后停止运转 就让我这么坦诚的面对你
That I won't be makin' a mistake
I'm a space-bound rocketship and your heart's the moon?
我是深陷苍穹的火箭 而你的心是我围绕着飞的月亮
And I'm aimin' right at you
我要飞向的 就是你
Right at you
250,000 miles on a clear night in June.
在六月的静澈的夜晚 在那样的高空
And I aim it right at you
我要飞向的 就是你
Right at you
Right at you
So after a year and 6 months it's no longer me that you want
一年零六月已过 我不再是你爱的那个
But I love you so much it hurts
但我很爱你 很伤
Never mistreated you once
对你 我从未苛刻
I poured my heart out to you
对你 我推心置腹
Let down my guard swear to god
I'll blow my brains in your lap
Lay here and die in your arms
这样倒下 死在你怀里
Drop to my knees and I'm bleeding.
I'm tryin' to stop you from leavin'
You won't even listen so **** it
I'm tryin to stop you from breathin'
我想现在 就不让你呼吸
I put both hands on your throat
双手掐住 你喉咙
I sit on top of you squeezin'
Til I snap ya neck like a popsicle stick
Ain't no possible reason I could think of to let you walk up out this house
And let you live
Tears streamed down both of my cheeks
Then I let you just go and just give
我还是放你走了 走吧
And before I put that gun to my temple
I told you this
And I would do anything for you
To show you how much I adored you
But it's over now
但现在 曲终人散
It's too late to save our love
太晚了 挽留不了爱
Just promise me you'll think of me everytime you look up in the sky and see a star cause I'm a
答应我 你仰望星空 会想起我 因为
I'm a space-bound rocketship and your heart's the moon?
我是深陷苍穹的火箭 而你的心是我围绕着飞的月亮
And I'm aiming right at you.
我要飞向的 就是你
Right at you
250,000 miles on a clear night in June.
在六月的静澈的夜晚 在那样的高空
And I'm so lost without you
我会迷失方向 如果没有你
Without you
Without you