

Donna Tella

更新:2023-07-17 01:24
Started as a whisper
最初 那声音是一阵轻盈的低语
Message from a new world I’d never known
这份呼唤 来自我从未见闻过的世界
Something 'bout it felt like
我感觉 这份呼唤
It’d been waiting my whole life
Is this home?
I can hear each sound calling my name
我能听见 每个声音都在呼唤我的名字
And I feel angels around when I start to sing
当我轻声歌唱 天使将会悄然来临
And suddenly it feels like heaven’s not so far away
刹那之间 天堂仿佛不再遥远
Tell me can you hear the symphony
告诉我 你能否听见天堂的交响曲
Tell me can you hear the symphony
告诉我 你能否听见天堂的交响曲
I can't help but think, that it’s meant to be
我不禁想 这一切都是命中注定
That I’m finally, right where I’m supposed to
在旅途的尽头 我终将回到我的归宿之地
If I let you in, to the secret
如果 我把我的秘密向你倾诉
Would you listen?
I can hear each sound calling my name
我能听见 每个声音都在呼唤我的名字
And I feel angels around when I start to sing
当我轻声歌唱 天使将会悄然来临
And suddenly it feels like heaven’s not so far away
刹那之间 天堂仿佛不再遥远
Tell me can you hear the symphony
告诉我 你能否听见天堂的交响曲
Tell me can you hear the symphony
告诉我 你能否听见天堂的交响曲
Ain't before too long
I found where I belong
I can hear it, I can hear it
我听见了它的呼唤 我听见了它的呼唤
I can’t stop the rush
Every note I touch
I can feel it, I can feel it, saving me
都在指引着我 走向救赎
Tell me can you hear the symphony
告诉我 你能否听见天堂的交响曲